Kaila Watters, our Trainer, offers canine training classes suitable for a wide range of ages and activity levels. We use a type of positive training called operant conditioning to help owners build a mutually rewarding and lasting relationship with their dogs.
Operant conditioning at its most basic involves rewarding behaviours that we would like to have continue while ignoring those we would like to have cease.
Kaila teaches the use of a “clicker” (an object that makes a sharp sound) to identify the exact behaviour we want to reinforce. Initially the sound of the clicker is paired with a food reward, to help your dog learn that the “click” is something worth working for!
Though the concept is basic, it takes a lot of practice in clicker technique for this type of training to be successful. Dogs generally pick it up in no time…it’s the people who have to practice!
Puppy Parties
Starting a new life with a brand new puppy is full of dreams of who you want your puppy to become. It usually requires lot of effort to transform a cute puppy into a lifelong best friend. Puppy training classes are a great start to this journey. Our puppy parties help you start down the right path to finding the best friend of your dreams.
This is a free 1 hour weekly socialization class for your new addition. Your puppy will have the opportunity to learn appropriate play behaviours with his/her peers. Puppies are allowed to attend until they reach 18 weeks of age. And did we mention that they are FREE?
Puppy Classes
This 6 session course is a ‘getting started’ class for puppies under 6 months of age. This course will get your puppy started in the basics of sit, down, come and stay, and basic good manners and much more!
Level I Class
This 6 session course is a basic obedience class for dogs over 6 months of age. This course will get your dog started in the basics of sit, down, come and stay, and basic good manners and much more!
Level II Class
This 8 session course is a more advanced obedience class for dogs over 6 months of age, and who have completed either Puppy or Level I Classes. Duration, Distractions and Distance of behaviours are worked on.
Level III Class
This 8 session course is a more advanced obedience class for dogs over 6 months of age, and who have completed Level II Classes. We work on Distance Behaviours, Off Leash Heel Work, and more Body Awareness.
Private Classes
These single classes will be custom tailored to your dogs specific training needs and requirements. We implement a Learn to Earn Program that is based on Positive Reinforcement training methods. Classes are offered Tuesday Afternoons and are 30 minute or 60 minute sessions.
Behaviour Consults
These are designed to determine the Root Cause of your dog’s behavioural concerns. We know that many owners with dogs exhibiting behavioural issues are confused, embarrassed and concerned – this is normal! Once we are able to determine the cause of the behaiviours in question, a Training Program can be determined and specifically designed to you and your dogs needs.