Farewell To Victor – Gone But Not Forgotten (1996-2015)
On April 10th, 2015 the staff of the Truro Vet Hospital had to say our goodbyes to our friend of almost 18 years. Victor had become quite ill at the end of March and his blood work revealed his kidneys were failing. They had served him well for 18+ years. We collectively made the decision to say goodbye to Victor (after trying everything we could to keep him comfortable) knowing the choice even thought extremely hard was the best one to make for Victor.
In the summer of 1997 Victor came to Truro Vet as an adult stray brought in by Juanita. His easy going nature won him the love of Cecelia and other staff. Soon it was decided he was a keeper.
Victor benefited Truro Vet immensely. He donated blood to other sick cats in need. He let us demonstrate how to trim nails and give a cat a pill. He was a ball of fur to cry into on a really heartbreaking day. While not always happy about his job, he made the best of it and enjoyed his ‘thank you’ cuddle afterwards.
Walking on keyboards, calling other phone extensions in the building, befriending rodent and bird patients were just a few of his quirky qualities. If you poured your milk/cream before adding your coffee, do it quick or Victor would be lapping up the dairy. The day he was diagnosed with a dairy allergy was probably the worst day of his life!
Victor, words cannot express how much we will miss you. Your curiosity and affectionate nature made you a credit to all cats. Rest easy and we will see you at Rainbow Bridge.
Here are some words from the ladies who loved him the most:
“There are so many things I loved about Victor, it is hard to pick one. But I did love giving him Vitalax and the way he chewed or smacked his lips while eating. “
- Cecelia
“I will miss coming in after hours while on call and spending quality time with Victor.”
- Dr. Michelle
“I will miss our cuddles and belly rubs and how you would drool while you purred.”
- Juanita
“I will miss your “stealth” like run as you tried to get to the treatment room without being caught. I’m sure you were always thinking “the slower I go maybe they won’t see me.”
- Ashley
“There are many things I will miss about Victor but mainly the way he would head butt me at the desk, and his demand for morning snuggles along with his talent of giving clients discounts on their accounts as he “assisted” at the desk.”
- Colette
“I will miss how he stood at the top of the desk waiting patiently to be fed, and how he would walk back and forth in front of the computer while I was trying to work. But I think we will always miss (no matter how frustrating it was) when Victor would hang up on people by walking across the phone and we would have to call back and explain that is really was Victor!”
- Kerry
“I miss how innocent he would look when he would knock your papers or files on the floor if you were busy and not giving him the attention he felt he deserved at that instant. I also miss his squawking meow when you would pick him up.”
- Kaila
“I miss his distinguished face. And his love of food, we shared that.”
- Valerie
“I miss his phone calls to outback, I am sure it was because we were late on getting him supper.”
- Charity
“I miss his swagger.”
- Dr. Melissa
“I miss his head butts, his charm, walking on clients food for quality checks, correcting my typing, putting clients on hold or hanging up on them he had great customer service, hisd demand for food and cuddling with sick or scared pets especially kittens.”
- Cara
“I miss Victor’s quiet calmness that he seemed to always have – except when he wanted to bug all his girlfriends at the front desk. Victor seemed to naturally know not to sweat the small stuff. Victor was very Zen.”
- Dr. Gwen
“I’ll miss the smiles he brought to everyone and the character he bestowed upon the hospital.”
- Angela
“What does one say about a dear friend you’ve known most of his life? That he will be missed. That he left a bit of himself with everyone who has met him. Victor was one of a kind. I remember when he as allowed outback with us. He would sit in front of kennels and watch the dogs and cats. Needless to say that did not go over very well with our patients. So Victor was banned from the back to remain in the reception area. He became our welcoming committee and made many friends in the process. I’m sure that he continues this work at the gates of heaven.”
- Carmen
“I miss cleaning him (because lets face it he never really was very good at cleaning his own head) and then sneaking in a few bites just to spice things up a bit. And I really miss stealing his food because the girls have me on this cruel torture called a “diet” so no extra tidbits for me anymore. Most of all I miss snuggling in with him in the baskets on the front desk – he was great at keeping them warm and cozy even on the coldest of days. Miss you Victor.”
- Wiggles
Even thought Victor might be gone in body, we know he is still with us in spirit sitting at the front desk making sure we are all doing our jobs up to his expectations. We miss you Victor and will never forget you. We encourage others to share their thoughts and memories of Victor below in comments.