How A “Wisdom Tree” Can Heal A Family’s Heart
Courtesy of: Juanita
Every time I look out my kitchen window I gaze fondly at my Wisdom tree. You might be wondering “What’s a Wisdom tree?” In March 2011 our beautiful orange tabby, Wisdom, was diagnosed with a rectal tumour. It was surgically removed but after 3 months it reappeared. Surgery was not an option the second time around. After 3 months of palliative care, it was time to say goodbye to our Whizzie. He was 15 years old.
Over the years we have said goodbye to many friends. Some have passed on their own, others we opted to euthanize to ease their suffering. Each time we struggled with how to say goodbye. At Truro Vet Hospital, we encourage owners, if able, to stay with their pet for euthanasia. A familiar hand and voice can be very comforting.
Many clients choose to bury their pet in the backyard. We provide several other options for aftercare. We work with Peaceful Acres, a pet cemetery in Windsor NS, that provides cremation services (privately for return to owner or together with other pets). Peaceful Acres has a lovely selection of urns to hold your pet’s remains. There is also a pet cemetery locally. Thinking about and planning your options now can take some of the stress away when the time arrives.
When we lived in an apartment, we opted for burial at a pet cemetery for our pets. Over the years cremation became more readily available. I have a couple of beautiful urns made by my brother-in-law containing ashes. I have other pets’ ashes that I intended to scatter- I know it would be what is right for them- but I can’t bring myself to let go yet.
When Wisdom’s time came, I knew I wanted something different. As a family with young children, I wanted the kids to know Whizzie would live on, not only in our hearts, but also in a tree. So, we dug a deep hole by the fence in our garden, placed his frail body in the hole and planted a pear tree on top. My 4 year old looked at the tree the other day and said ‘Remember Whizzie?’ My heart ached. How could I forget him?
‘Yes sweetie, I do’.